
  • 7201-7299 Dickens Ave Miami Beach, FL, 33141, USA - Miami Beach
    There is an open pipe 10-12” diameter. It is
    a hazard. It can be stepped in.
    It an animal fall in.
    Objects can fall in an clog the line.
    Please cover it.
  • 9001-9105 Collins Ave Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    Open drain pipe
    Safety hazard
  • Dickens Avenue And 88 Street Surfside, Florida - Surfside

    Where are all the public mailboxes for residents to deposit mail? The mailbox on 88&dickens is gone and so is the box that was at 92 and Carlyle.

    Why don’t we have replacements that are more secure if there were security issues?