Albert acelotto

  • Street Sweeping Archivado
    20 Tolli Terrace New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    The entire street of Tolli terrace has experienced a massive amount of leaves which have fallen in the past week due to the heavy winds and rain. We are overwhelmed with this enormous amount, and cannot spend large amounts of man hours to bag them. It will take hours for each home to do this. This street needs a payload er to remove them. It is that bad. Slap of note, there are many sick and elderly people on this tiny terrace who simply cannot do the physical work required to bag this enormous amount of leaves. Please send a payload er, or a street sweeping crew to help us.
  • Potholes Archivado
    180 Hall Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Large deep pothole has been an issue for the past 3 months. Please fix it before someone loses and axle.
  • 20 Tolli Terrace New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Extremely large potholes. From the intersection of Hall and Hyde to the inter- section of Hall and Burr Street. They have been there over two months, and are becoming deeper and more dangerous to vehicles and bicyclists ever day.